The Rainbow Ward project at North Middlesex University Hospital has been completed and handed over. The ward will provide in-patient facilities for children and adolescents. AHP have been involved in this project from concept design through to completion and handover on site. This challenging project involved the complete stripping out of one floor of the 1970's Tower Block, extensive passive fire protection to the existing structure and services and a complete internal fit-out to provide the new children's ward.

The accommodation comprises 16 acute beds in total, with a mix of single and multi-bed en-suite rooms. Two of the single bedrooms have been specifically equipped with anti-ligature fittings and remote monitoring equipment so they have the flexibility to be used as standard bedrooms, or accommodate patients with mental health issues as and when the need arises.
The ward also includes a four-bed High Dependency Unit (HDU). The requirement for HDU beds was introduced late in the design process and required close co-ordination and teamwork with the client, consultants and construction teams to incorporate the highly services suite of rooms and associated infrastructure.

Finishes and materials used in these rooms have been selected to make the rooms non-institutional in appearance. Throughout the ward, wall graphics have been used to create a welcoming environment suitable for children of all ages.
Inpatient wards on the floors directly above and below the works remained in occupation throughout the duration of the works.